So are you a piano teacher @ a local school, or do you have your own studio?
At my daughters' school they don't start music until the 5th grade. I had already told her that I'm going to her her music lessons. She had once asked for piano lessons but now she says she wants to play the guitar. I'm open minded & I'll let he choose her own instrument.
The only song I can play on the piano is "twinkle, twinkle, little star". Are you familiar with Jim Brickman's music?
I live in a duples (sort of an apt). I'll be shopping for a home in about 1 year and 1/2 as soon as I know in what City/Hospital I'll be working in.
I love gardens. My daughter and I planted bulbs & we had lots of tulips in pots. Then we planted petunias, mary golds & lots of wild flowers. I also have an oregano & peppermint plant & a coffee plant that was given to me by my mother for graduation. I hope it survives the winter here. I'll have to bring it inside & get a plant light for it.
Kids are fun but they are also a lot of work. Yesterday, I had 5 neighborhood kids over to dinnner plus my daughter. Only one girl got to spend the night.
One time at the KH, the brother was talking about the memorial & my daughter, was little, said realy loud, MOM, WHO DIED? I then said, "Christ Jesus". She then replied, "Wasn't that a long time ago?" I thought her comment was so funny (cause of her age) but the brothers looked at me like I wasn't doing a job teaching her.
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 24 July 2002 10:41:28